
Diet and Awakening

images from Chris Court

Is it possible that a diet could offer you much much more than weight loss? Could a person on a diet gain something incredible and truly life changing while on a diet?
I do think it is possible to gain wisdom and strength in many unforeseen areas in our lives, even while releasing weight . In fact I have experienced tremendous awakenings in every single area of my life, whether I have intended it to happen or not, so for sure, I would find illumination while on a diet, and I have.
I have been on a food diet for several months now. I have missed out on birthday cakes Easter eggs, Christmas delights, Valentines day chocolates and many many other yummy dishes. In all this missing out I was compelled to ask myself the question what have I gained? What really has been going on while releasing this weight? Sure I have altered my dress size and feel great AND yet there must be more that I could have gained out of all this lack of yumminess.
In the moment while I am eating my “diet meal” I feel happy and contented. After I eat I am satisfied. It is only when my emotions and my mind go hay wire that I feel like I am missing something. In that moment it is as if I have lost sight of my intention, my bigger future. At that moment I am not “claiming” my future in this NOW and I am getting lost in my emotions and in my mind. I believe that what I am experiencing that second is more important than anything. In this emotional outburst I loose sight of everything that matters in my world and my true intention is now lost. Whether on a food diet or some other new transformational process, watch the emotional and mental state and endeavour not to be a victim to old thoughts but rather open up to new options and opportunities.
Day to day a diet can feel like nothing is happening. It seems like there is no progress and little if nothing has changed. It isn’t until you put an item of clothing on that you haven’t worn for a while that you might notice things have altered. Soon after that people start saying ” hay have you lost some weight?” then you know that all that effort is actually working. This is also the way in your spiritual practice. As you begin you see no change and then you notice that there is a difference in your reactions or attitudes perhaps there is peace when there never was peace. Your world becomes wider and deeper and you begin to see things you have never before seen. Others may also this change in you.
Durning this weight release time I have been challenged by one of the hardest times in my life. I noticed how desperately I wanted to eat something like bread and butter, or something sweet and oozy or something hearty and filling. I just wanted to be filled up from the outside. I wanted to feel but under my terms, only to a point, “my point” and not the whole way (funny, I never thought I was a comfort eater).This time instead of of eating and filling me up so I couldn’t experience the “ALL” that I was feeling, I decided to go for it, to “feel” totally. And so I did.
It wasn’t easy and many tears fell, but I let it rip, all the while standing firmly in the container of my diet. I discovered that I was clearer than I realised, that I was more powerful than I had ever known and that I was unequivocally standing in Spirit.
I felt that the diet allowed me to be present in this “NOW”. I could be in this now yet
“intend” to have a glorious future. Stopping my diet, would have buckling into the loss and fear and the pain whilst continuing with my program was about feeling, and experiencing all that I could. I could stand in the grief and the light, I could be empty and full at the same time. In Spirit work when we decide that we want this opening we must claim it just like when we claim we want to drop a dress size. The spiritual process is a dynamic one.
Do I like being on special food diet? Well…., no….but have I been enriched because of it….? Well…yes. I am still a work in progress but I remain ever in gratitude to Spirit for offering me yet another opportunity to find merit in all that exists in this realm. I shall continue to be the dutiful daughter to Truth and Light regardless of what is presented. Diets can be awesome.
For a little while you may choose to start a diet of “Spirit thought” open into Light and open into Spirit. This diet is about not limitations but expansion. Walk with intention to connect to all and see with sweet soft eyes of non judgement. If you fall off the wagon on this special diet notice why and get back on again. There maybe miracles afoot.
p.s I received a lovely comment when I posted this on the Kora Blog and wanted to share
"Its like this article was meant for me. Thank you for sharing have changed the way I thought today and well everyday. About an hour ago I had one of those emotional outburts and I too felt it...I didnt go for the ravolis I smelled cooking in my house...I too stuck to my diet. However I felt a little guilty about the outburts but after your article I feel like maybe this is where I am suppose to be. THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS SANNA...these words spoke loudly to my heart, to my soul. I dont think it was a concidence I found it either. You should write books."

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