I found this terrific quote in the "The Meaning of Mary Magdalene" and was inspired to share it on the blog....I was so excited by what it so succinctly stated because it is what I so strongly know as "a" truth.
My understanding of this illuminating quote is that we are all capable of waking up with sincere and heartfelt Spiritual practice. We are all completely equip and capable whom ever we are, to have a intimate and highly transformational Spiritual expierence that will promise to leave us forever changed. Dare I say it enlightened....
Many of my clients understand this concept and regularly come for visits with me to assist them on their own individual journeys. These clients are courageous and devoted to their own unique expression in Spirit. Below are fine words that from the book "The Meaning of Mary Magdalene" by Cynthia Bourgeault page 38 The Gnostic Conundrum.
(by the way I found out about the book through the blog Goop which is Gwyneth Paltrow's offering to the world....thanks Gwyneth)
"The word gnostic comes from the Greek word gnosis, which means "knowledge." It's perfectly respectable scriptural word. Paul uses it repeatedly in his writings, including the celebrated lines from 1 Corinthians 13: "For now I see through a glass darkly, but later face to face; I know in part, but later I will know even as also I am known." But the essential thing to keep in mind about this knowing is that it's participational --- a "knowing even as also I am known". It is not just a knowing from the head; it's a knowing with the entire being. The Hebrew term which it translates is da'ath, which is also the word used for Lovemaking (as David entered Bathsheba's tent and 'knew' her") Gnosis speaks of a complete, integral knowing uniting the body mind and heart. and by its largeness connecting the seen and the unseen.

In the wonderful words of the contemporary Jewish teacher Rami Shapiro, it is" not only an altered state of mind( moving from narrow to spacious), but an altered trait of behavior, moving from selfishness, fear and narcissism to justice, compassion and humility" Jesus taught gnosis and was a master of gnosis, as we shall see shortly. But he did not change anyone's states, either by secret rituals or esoteric information. Rather he set his disciples upon the only known path to integrate information: the slow and persistent overcoming of the ego through a life long practice of surrender and nonattachment. His gnosis is gradual, conscious and sober."
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