
Awakening in Death

In my youth there was a bookshelf. It was filled with interesting and compelling books; though one book stood out. Not because of the fluorescent cover but because of the thought provoking title; "Death Be Not Proud." 
Decades have passed, yet the title gently lingers in my consciousness as if it was imprinted for evermore. These words were never more poignant than when I began to explore the consolumentum, which was a practice of transformation offered by the Cathar of medieval France.
A few of my clients approached me with the very human dilemma about death. Some were in grief about the loss of another. They wanted relief, or a foundation to continue on their path; this was an honorable request. Others were faced with their own imminent death. It is this quandary that many humans face at some time.
The deep exploration for Spiritual awakening requires us to be open and courageous, yet remaining still in the face of the deepest, most painful situations.
This is the Spiritual journey.
Understandably, facing death may cause any human to race from one modality to another. Regardless, for many, death remains imminent.
I have been blessed with a client who was given a few months to live. She entered my rooms like and angel, radiating health, vitality and awake-ness. I was stunned by such energy, yet confused by the illusion presented. The quintessential question – what is the illusion, the healthy glow or the death? Or perhaps was health, life, death, outcome and success ALL illusory?
Perhaps it is through releasing all personal ‘hierarchy’ judgments such as right / wrong, healthy /sick that we arrive at peace. Perhaps, when we are in the realization that the Spiritual path is not a results driven activity but a “NOW” activity, that paradoxically we have peace, which allows for healing.
Death seems to be the enemy. We have the angels, which seem to be protectors, and holy. In contradiction there is the grim reaper who is death. What if death was as an angel? What if we learned to gaze deeply into the eyes of death from the point of non-judgment? How could we awaken?
In my Spiritual exploration I have found that hierarchy is a curious beast. In the Christian paradigm we note that heaven is good and hell is bad, success is good and failure is bad. We live our lives in the experience of separation, which may just be analogous to the separation we feel from our true self. In other words the difference between heaven and hell is IN US.
What if we began to see it from the impersonal nature of love? Is it possible that we could open up to the ‘space between’?
My young client and I began plumbing the depths of all these questions. A remarkable thing occurred. First for her was peace, the removal of suffering – the space between. There arose joy – regardless of life or death. This was followed by an openhearted acceptance of life from a non-judgmental place.
Ironically in seeing all illusion we had healing and ultimately love. The grim reaper doesn’t exist; it is the angel of transformation, without pride, or agenda.
Death be not proud.
love and light

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