
Joel Goldsmith - The Infinite Way

My very loved copy bought in 1974...I was 14 

One of my favourites authors of last 40 years is Joel S Goldsmith. The authenticity and sweetness of his deep spiritual words are completely inspiring for me.
In the 70's and as a youth I started reading 'this' great wisdom. At the time very few books around Spirit Consciousness existed and his books felt so utterly complete to me. I always had his books where ever I went.

His wisdom is to remember that God/Universal Consciousness/ Source is freedom that exists in all of us. It is in this remembering that we open into the expanded space of our true nature. I call that deepening and widening into our BE-ingness. This experience of freedom and Joy.

He states that The "Christ" Consciousness is the thread that connects us all to each other and ultimately to God. When he uses the word "Christ" he does so, not from the christian perspective but rather from the knowledge that we are all sons/daughters of Source within us is the code, the homing pigeon that will allow us to totally connect to our True nature.

Just as Jesus had done.  We are sons and daughters of "God" and freedom, connection and Joy is ours by divine right.

Joel words below:
Now we perceive that man is not flesh, but consciousness,possessing only spiritual qualities. We discern that there is a creative Principle which produces It's own image and likeness, and that this creative Principle is also the sustaining Principle of life, and therefore Its creation must necessarily be of It's own essence--Life, Love, Spirit,Soul. This is the true nature of man.
.........As we know ourselves and everyone else to be spiritual offspring, we never look at the body,but look right through the eyes until we can see way back of them beyond mortal man, see beyond young man or old man, sick man or well man, to where the  Christ consciousness  (universal consciousness) sits enthroned......

love and light


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